Sunday, June 15, 2008

Going Solar

After thinking about it and researching solar for the past year or so for my Airstream I've finally committed to a system. I'm going with AM Solar's AM100-22B system. I'm stoked about it--the panel is rated at only 100 watts but it runs higher voltages than most and in conjunction with a controller that can handle the higher voltage it will turn the additional voltage into amps so that it effectively acts the same as a normal 130 watt panel system. This is going to be very cool and should be a pretty easy install. The recommended installation method is to use 3Ms special adhesive tape so that there is no drilling on the aluminum roof and it bonds like a magical adhesive. The cables will run down through the refrigerator vent and I'll mount the control panel next to the TV in the lounge area (backside of that is the fridge). The only part that will be challenging is running the cable up to the batteries with the temperature probe under the aluminum underbelly.

Hopefully I'll get the system in next weekend!